Kotlin meta runner for TeamCity cannot find M12


I use Kotlin meta runner for TeamCity, as described in http://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/kotlin-and-ci.html.
After switching Kotliln version to M12, the meta runner is no longer able to download the archive.

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jonnyzzz/Kotlin.TeamCity/master/build.xml:79: Can’t get http://teamcity.jetbrains.com/guestAuth/repository/downloadAll/bt345/M12.tcbuildtag/artifacts.zip to /home/teamcity/BuildAgent/work/8ac08b1be3d30313/.kotlin-dist/artifacts.zip

But there is a build tagged with M12 in https://teamcity.jetbrains.com: https://teamcity.jetbrains.com/viewLog.html?buildId=490666&tab=buildResultsDiv&buildTypeId=bt345

Do you know how I can make the meta runner work with M12?

Best regards,

Please try an updated version of meta-runner, it now should be possible to use 'M12' (for getting Kotlin 0.12.200) and 'M12.1' (for Kotlin 0.12.613) after the recent changes by Eugene Petrenko.

We have also added additional tags for our M12 builds that were published to maven with correspondent versions. It should allow to use ‘M12.1’ and ‘0.12.613’ in Kotlin meta-runner interchangeably.

goodwinnk wrote:

Please try an updated version of meta-runner, it now should be possible to use ‘M12’ (for getting Kotlin 0.12.200) and ‘M12.1’ (for Kotlin 0.12.613) after the recent changes by Eugene Petrenko.

We have also added additional tags for our M12 builds that were published to maven with correspondent versions. It should allow to use ‘M12.1’ and ‘0.12.613’ in Kotlin meta-runner interchangeably.

Thanks a lot Nikolay. It works now.